
geo location. geo fencing. Interactive shop window.

geo location. geo fencing. Interactive shop window. geo location. geo fencing. Interactive shop window.geo location. geo fencing. Interactive shop window.. geo location. geo fencing. Interactive shop window.

According to "Bitkom", every third smartphone user is willing to register for such targeted services, provided they have a positive relationship with the advertising brand/company. 60.2% of all mobile phone users are interested in electronic coupons! Of course, we will also advise you in this context with regard to the current EU GDPR guidelines.

At our interactive shop windows “WOW” effects are guaranteed. With or without promoters, these are intuitive, disruptive and innovative. With augmented reality, QR code, NFC, touch or gesture control. And always in connection with an incentive to enter the store or at least to interact via an app.